Illustration Friday: "frozen"

Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia is the medical term
for "Brain Freeze".

Brain Freeze is part of the Brainology  collection.

Available as a T-shirt at  Zazzle or at RedBubble


Myself at 100! pretty dreadful...

Phil McAndrew at livejournal is having a contest:
"Draw yourself at the age of 100!"

Mind Your Own Bee's Wax

Mind Your Own Bee's Wax is part of the Brainology  collection.

Available as a T-shirt at  RedBubble or at Zazzle 

PG Pepper my husband wiped his forehead from the hot sauce my son (5 1/2) said: "Daddy is this a PG pepper?"

*The T-Shirt appearing in the photo above is a homemade "Iron-On" print*

PG Pepper is part of the  Eat Responsibly!  collection.

Available as a T-shirt at RedBubble or at  Zazzle